• Legislature

    Type of Legislature Oregon has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 60 members | 2-year terms Senate: 30 members…

  • Committee Oversight Authority

    "Administering oaths or affirmations to witnesses. The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the chairperson or…

  • Standing Committees Focused on Oversight

    Joint Committee on Legislative Audits Website Membership, meeting schedules, assigned measures, and public testimony submission available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "(1)…

  • Committees with Jurisdictional Oversight Authority

    House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water Website Membership, meeting schedules, assigned measures, and public testimony submission…

  • Fiscal Committees

    House Committee on Revenue Website Membership and meeting schedule available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction Oversees legislation relating to revenue/all forms of…

  • Oversight Partners

    Legislative Fiscal Office Website Mission Statement "To provide objective research, analysis, and evaluation of state expenditures, financial affairs, program administration,…

  • Fiscal Data

    Oregon Open Data Portal Datasets by category, project, or searchable by keyword available on website Data can be downloaded in…

  • Oversight in the News

    Legislature forms committee to address Oregon’s addiction epidemic (Oregon Capital Chronicle, 9/29/2023) Oregon legislative leaders have formed a committee to address…