South Dakota
Type of Legislature South Dakota has a part-time, bicameral legislature. House of Representatives: 70 members | 2-year terms Term limit:…
Committee Oversight Authority
Joint Rules Subpoena powers are only prescribed to the Government Operations and Audit Committee (except in ethics investigations): "2-6-1. Administration…
Standing Committees Focused on Oversight
House Government Operations and Audit Committee Website Membership; documents; legislation; and meeting agendas, minutes, podcast, and audio available on website.…
Fiscal Committees
House Committee on Appropriations Website Membership and meeting schedule, agendas, documents, and audio available on website. Purpose/Jurisdiction "The general appropriation…
Oversight Partners
Department of Legislative Audit Website Mission Statement "Our mission is to serve the legislators, government officials and citizens of the…
Fiscal Data
Open Budget Searchable budget tables and graphs available on website OPEN SD Payroll, checkbook, contracts, budget, and more available on…
Oversight in the News
Fund controlled by governor may soon require legislative oversight (Black Hills Pioneer, 2/22/2024) In response to recent controversy over a fund…