Joint Audit & Evaluation Committee #
Website #
Membership and meetings available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“In addition to any powers and duties set forth elsewhere, the Committee shall:
- “review audit reports issued by the Legislative Auditor and submit findings and recommendations to the General Assembly with respect to issues in audit reports; [and]
- “review the audit process and procedures and provide comment and recommendations to the President and the Speaker, the Executive Director of the Department of Legislative Services, and the Legislative Auditor;
- “review performance evaluations conducted and reports issued by the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability and submit findings and recommendations to the General Assembly with respect to issues raised in the performance evaluations and reports; and
- “review the performance evaluation process and procedures and provide comment and recommendations to the President and the Speaker, the Executive Director of the Department of Legislative Services, and the Director of the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability” (Maryland Statute § 2-605).
Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, and Legislative Review #
Website #
Membership, meeting schedule, and analyses/regulations available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) In addition to any powers set forth elsewhere, the Committee may:
- “review proposed or adopted regulations of a unit of the Executive Branch of the State government;
- “consider requests for emergency adoption of regulations;
- “inquire into an alleged failure of an officer or employee of any branch of the State government to comply with the laws of the State; and
- “review the operations of any unit of the Executive Branch of the State government.
“(b) (1) At least once a year, the Committee shall submit a report to the Legislative Policy Committee and, subject to § 2–1257 of this title, to the General Assembly.
- “(2) The report shall:
- “(i) describe the studies and other work of the Committee; and
- “(ii) include any recommendations of the Committee on legislative action that is needed to change or reverse a regulation of a unit of the Executive Branch of the State government.
“(c) The failure of the Committee to comment on or to object to a proposed or adopted regulation is not an indication that:
- “the Committee approves the regulation;
- “the statute under which the regulation is adopted authorizes the adoption; or
- “the regulation conforms to the legislative intent of the statute” (Maryland Statute §2–506).
“(a) In carrying out any of its functions or powers, the Committee may:
- “issue subpoenas;
- “compel the attendance of witnesses;
- “compel the production of any papers, books, accounts, documents,and testimony;
- “administer oaths; and
- “cause the depositions of witnesses, who reside in or outside of the State, to be taken in the manner provided by law for taking depositions in a civil case” (Maryland Statute §2–507).
Joint Committee on Fair Practices and State Personnel Oversight #
Website #
Membership and meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(e) The Joint Committee shall have oversight over:
- “employment policies and personnel systems in the Executive Branch of State government, including:
- “(i) the State Personnel Management System;
- “(ii) the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Human Resources Management System; and
- “(iii) the personnel systems of State institutions of higher education; and
- “matters in State government of equal employment opportunity policies and practices for State employees.
“(f) The purposes of the Joint Committee are to:
- “review reports;
- “evaluate the effectiveness of programs, policies, and practices; and
- “identify areas of concern and, as appropriate, recommend corrective measures to the Governor and the General Assembly” (Maryland Statute §2–10A–08).
Joint Committee on Gaming Oversight #
Website #
Membership and meetings available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(1) The Committee shall examine:
- “(i) the status of the State’s gaming program; and
- “(ii) the implementation of new laws relating to gaming.
“(2) The Committee shall make recommendations for potential improvements to the State’s gaming program” (Maryland Statute §9-1A-38).
Legislative Policy Committee #
Website #
Membership and meeting schedule available on website.
Purpose/Jurisdiction #
“(a) The Committee has the following functions:
- “to review the work of the standing committees;
- “to collect information about the government and general welfare of the State;
- “to study the operation of and recommend changes in the Constitution, statutes, and common law of the State;
- “to study the rules and procedures of the Senate and the House and recommend changes that would improve and expedite the consideration of legislation by the General Assembly;
- “to coordinate and supervise generally the work of the General Assembly when it is not in session;
- “to prepare or endorse a legislative program that includes the bills, resolutions, or other recommendations of the Committee that are to be presented to the General Assembly at its next session;
- “to carry out its powers and duties under the Maryland Program Evaluation Act; and
- “at least every 2 years, to review and update as necessary the antiharassment policy and procedures of the General Assembly to create and maintain an environment in which all members and employees are treated with respect and are free from unlawful discrimination and harassment.
“(b) To carry out its functions, the Committee:
- “shall receive, from any source, suggestions for legislation or investigation;
- “may hold a hearing on any matter;
- “may appoint a special committee and delegate to that committee the authority specified in § 2–408 of this subtitle;
- “may refer a matter for study and report to any of its special committees or any committee of the General Assembly;
- “shall consider the reports of standing, statutory, and special committees;
- “may have any bill or resolution prepared to carry out its recommendations; and
- “when the General Assembly is not in session:
- “(i) may accept a gift or grant of money from a person or public agency for any purpose that relates to the activities of the Legislative Policy Committee or of any other standing, statutory, or special committee; and
- “(ii) may spend the money for that purpose, in accordance with the State budget.
“(a) In carrying out any of its functions or powers, the Committee may:
- “issue subpoenas;
- “compel the attendance of witnesses;
- “compel the production of any papers, books, accounts, documents, and testimony;
- “administer oaths; and
- “cause the depositions of witnesses, who reside in or outside of the State, to be taken in the manner provided by law for taking depositions in a civil case” (Maryland Statute §2–407).